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10 Best After School Routines for Students

10 Best After School Routines for Students
10 Best After School Routines for Students

What is your best after school routines for students? If there are not any, you can surely find some from the 10 Best After School Routines for Students down below.

For academic achievements, we need to learn to be more productive and efficient with our time. As they say “Time is Money” because it is PRECIOUS. Although as a student, your time may not be your money literally. It can certainly turn out to be more crucial than money for you. Accordingly, having a powerful routine is very beneficial in effectively utilizing our time.

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1. Snack & Chill Time

After the school is over and you arrive home exhausted, take some time off. You should take around 5 to 10 minutes break to allow yourself to catch your breath. During this break time, you can grab some healthy snacks and rest on your comfortable couch in your TV launch. However, you should not turn on the TV. Because there is a great chance that you will not get up in another hour or two. Also, you should try to stay away from social media notification. For the green, purple and blue lights produce dopamine. From altering your appetite to messing up with your brain, social media has severe effects on your brain.

After all, this break is for you to rest and catch your breath after a tiring day at your school. Hence, just chill and try to have a good time.

2. Unpacking Backpack

After you have eaten some healthy snacks, it is a good time to unpack your backpack. Unpacking your backpack does not only mean that you should take out all the materials inside out of your bag. It rather means that you should organize both your academic and personal life.

Thus, take out the lunch box or any leftover snack and put them on the kitchen counter. Next, arrange all the folder and paper works onto their respective sites. Lastly, your backpack should go to its area in your room. This way you can organize your life and never feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you will have to do later.

3. Lunch

In any list of best after school routine, lunch is important part of it. After all, for a healthy brain, you require a healthy body. Once you have organized your backpack and room, prepare some lunch for yourself. Cook something delicious and healthy. Then, have a peaceful lunch.

4. Go for a Walk or Take Some Time Off

After you have had your lunch, you can either go for a walk, watch your favorite tv show or take a nap. Taking a nap in the afternoon is most beneficial of all of the above best after school routines, as it refreshes your brain for another academic trial.

5. Revise Your Schedule/Todo List

Next, open your agenda. Then, edit and/or read through your to-do list for the day. This is very important after school routine as it has the following benefits.

  • enhances organization
  • increases motivation
  • improves memory
  • increases productivity

6. Do Your Homework

Now that you have revised your to-do list, you should start tacking all the tasks one by one. Whether it is doing your homework, writing your research paper or essay or revising for the test, try to accomplish all assignments.

7. Play Time

Playing and having leisure time is as crucial as studying and/or working hard. After you have completed all the tasks and assignments, take some time off. Go to the playground, park or gym and play your favorite games or exercise. Enhancing creativity or refreshing your mind are just a couple of benefits leisure time provides.

8. An After School Activity

Besides, Concentrating on your academic life, you should have some after school activity. You can either take a gym membership, participate in your school soccer team, learn a new language, develop a new skill or run for a marathon.

9. Journal or Read a Book

Reducing stress, improving immune function, sharpening your memory, boosting your mood, and strengthening your emotional functions are just a few benefits of Journaling. Journaling may seem like old fashion to all the teenagers but it has powerful benefits not just to your health but also to your overall life.

Similarly reading books has tons of benefits too. Relieving stress by 60%, exercising your brain, vocabulary and knowledge expansion, memory and concentration improvement are just a few reasons why you should grab a book and read.

10. Make a To-do List for Tomorrow

As I mentioned earlier that how crucial and beneficial making a to-do list is, it is recommended to make a to-do list for your next day at the end of each day. To do so, analyze your day beforehand. Then, take a pen and paper and write down all the tasks you consider to accomplish the next day. Then, add your todos on either your digital to-do or on to your physical agenda.

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So that is for the best after school routines. If you have any other Best After School Routines for Students in your mind, let us know in the comment section below. Else you can you let us know if you have any questions or suggestion.

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