We have already talked about active and passive voice of different tenses. In the article below I am going to elaborate the active and passive voice of past continuous tense. Structures for affirmative, Interrogative, negative, negative interrogative and WH/information questions are provided along with examples to be useful for ESL learners. In addition, click Active and Passive Voice Complete Rules, you might find this useful too.
Active and Passive Voice of Past Continuous Tense
- Active: S + be2 + V1 ing + object + ROTS
He was painting the wall yesterday. - Passive: S + be2 + being + V3 + prep + object + ROTS
The wall was being painted by him yesterday.
- Active: Be2 + S + V1 ing + object + ROTS
Were they painting the wall yesterday? - Passive: Be + S + being + V3 + prep + object + ROTS
Was the wall being painted by them yesterday?
- Active: S + be2 + not + V1 ing + object + ROTS
We were not painting the wall yesterday. - Passive: S + be2 + not + being + V3 + prep + object + ROTS
The wall was not/wasn`t being painted by us yesterday.
Negative interrogatives
- Active: Be not + S + V1 ing + object + ROTS
Weren`t they painting the wall yesterday? - Passive: Be not + S + being + V3 + prep + object + ROTS
Wasn`t the wall being painted by them yesterday?
WH/Information questions
- Active: WH + be2 + S + V1 ing + object + ROTS
When were they painting the wall? - Passive: WH + be2 + S + being + V3 + prep + object + ROTS
When was the wall being painted by them?
More Sentences:
- Active: They were taking an ESL test.
- Passive: An ESL test was being taken by them.
- Active: They weren’t taking an ESL test.
- Passive: An ESL test wasn’t being taken by them.
- Active: Were they taking an ESL test?
- Passive: Was an ESL test being taken by them?
Negative Interrogative:
- Active: Weren’t they taking an ESL test?
- Passive: wasn’t an ESL test being taken by them?
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active passive voice