Every year more than 100 journalists are being killed for bringing news and information to the public. Hence, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2 November as the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. This resolution condemns all attacks and violence against journalists and media workers. It also urges the Member States to do their utmost to prevent violence against journalists and media workers, to ensure accountability, bring to justice perpetrators of crimes against journalists and media workers, and ensure that victims have access to appropriate remedies. It further calls upon States to promote a safe and enabling environment for journalists to perform their work independently and without undue interference. Now, this day is celebrated in many counties to end impunity for crimes against journalists and in the article below I cover anchoring script about International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists.
Anchoring Script about International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists
Hello and a warm good morning/ evening/afternoon to all of you present here, and a warm welcome to hardworking journalists who have gathered here. They are the people who will kill you, but it will keep you alive while you’re at it.
Ladies and gentleman, journalists are the brave people who sacrifice their peace trying to point out someone’s true colors. And indeed, they are an act of faith in the future. I still believe that if your aim is to change the world, journalism is a more immediate short-term weapon.
Today we must honor them and thank them for their sacrificing and informing us 24/7 from all over the world. Now let’s hear how the feelings sound like, so, cheer up for the music to be played.
Music gives a soul to the universe. Wings to the mind. Flight to the imagination and life to everything.
Who are Journalists
A journalist is a person who collects, writes, or distributes news or other current information to the public. A journalist’s work is called journalism. And a journalist can work with general issues or specialize in certain issues. However, most journalists tend to specialize, and by cooperating with other journalists, produce journals that span many topics.
The duty of journalists is, to tell the truth, and journalism means you go back to the actual facts, you look at the documents, you discover what the record is, and you report it that way.
The whole notion of journalism being an institution whose fundamental purpose is to educate and inform and even, one might stay, elevate, has altered under commercial pressure, perhaps, into a different kind of purpose, which is to divert and distract and entertain.
Ladies and gentleman, become a journalist to come as close as possible to the heart of the world. And from today lets about justice end of discrimination and end impunity for crimes against journalists.
I keep telling myself to calm down, to take less of an interest in things and no to get so excited, but it still cares a lot about liberty, freedom of speech and expression, and fairness in journalism. Actually, journalism is the ability to meet the challenge of filling space.
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