South Africans celebrate their Freedom Day on 27th of April every year. This day commemorates the first democratic, non-racial elections held in 1994. Even though South Africa got independence from Britain on 31 May 1910; Freedom Day is the official Independence Day of South Africa. Indeed, it is celebrated to pay tribute to all those men and women who have made relentless efforts and sacrifices on behalf of the oppressed masses. Moreover, it is also the day for the restoration of peace, unity and human dignity to the people of South Africa.Below is the Anchoring Script for the South African Freedom Day for you to host the program at school or college.

Anchoring Script for the South African Freedom Day
Raise your words,
not your Voice.
It is the rain
that grows flowers,
not thunder.
Good Morning, everybody. We have all gathered here, for what you call a very fun-filled evening. This evening belongs to all man and woman who have made relentless efforts and sacrifices on behalf of the oppressed masses. Indeed, we salute them all.
Welcoming audience and guests
I on behalf of the respected principle, talented teachers, and the entire school family welcome you all. And I warmly welcome Mr./ Ms. (name of the guest) to our today’s auspicious event. Thank you, sir, for joining us. We feel honored to have a personality such like you among us.
National Anthem
Indeed, a great vision is like a national anthem, it has the power to pull together, emotionally connect and inspire great things.
Thus, I request you all to stand up for the respect of national anthem.
Welcome tableau
Carried with care,
coated with pride,
dipped in love,
fly in glory,
moments of freedom in shade of joy.
At this point, I would like to call upon our cute little fairies for a welcome tableau. Please, put your hands together for them.
Whoa, it was an outstanding performance by our fairies. Once again, put your hands together for them, please.
Calling principle on the stage
We must be free not because we claim freedom but because we practice it.
Now, a big round of applause for the one who neither cares about nor day, who burnt the midnight oil, who is always volunteer when it comes to quality education for our kids. Indeed, he is none other than Mr. (name of the principle).
Hence, we would love to call upon Mr. (name of the principle). Please, sir.
Thank you, sir. We appreciate your hard work and sincerity towards this academy.
End of the function
Freedom in the mind.
Faith in the words
Pride in our souls
Let’s salute those great men,
Who made this possible.
Ladies and gentlemen, now, it is our turn to give our contribution to the prosperity of our beloved country. Lastly, Happy independence day to you all and wish you all health, prosperity, peace, and love.
Note: The above Anchoring Script for the South African Freedom Day is a sample script, so you can add more according to your plan for the function.
I hope the Anchoring Script for the South African Freedom Day was helpful for you. please, feel free to share your views.