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Best Comparing Script for a Party

In this article, I cover some best-comparing script for any kinds of a party at school, college or university. If you are going to host a party then you will find the following script useful.

Key Elements of the Best Comparing Script for Party

  1. Introduction
  2. Recitation 
  3. Welcome speech
  4. Drama
  5. Song
  6. Laughter session
  7. Game session
  8. Vice Chancellor’s Address/ Remarks
  9. Cultural Dances
  10. Conclusion
How to be a good anchor or compère?

Best Comparing Script for a Party


Compèring Script

I_______ welcome you all to the much-awaited party of the Department of (Insert the name of department) ex. International Relations and would like to extend a warm welcome to the esteemed chairman of the Department of International Relations, a respected member of the faculty and diligent students of the Department of International Relations,

All of us know that a university is a place where the much0neede human resource is manufactured with great care and skill for the general progress of society, state or a nation, this human-engineering necessitates the employment of not only a better academic environment but also the supply of continuous and vigorous extra-curricular and recreational facilities. (insert the name of University/ organization) always comes first and takes a ready pride in holding this unique distinction of providing a better academic environment and a healthy package of recreational facilities.

Comparing script for a school function

In this background, the Department of International Relations has again, decided to throw up another grand party today. This party will not only pay goodbyes to the out-going batch, but it will also excitingly receive the incoming ambitious young graduates. Meanwhile, we would take advantage of the occasion and would welcome the new and energetic faculty members to (insert the name of organization).

To honor the occasion, I, on behalf of the entire department extend a very warm welcome to the honorable chief guest of the occasion, the worthy Vice Chancellor, Engr. (insert the name). Sir, we congratulate you from the core of our hearts for the extension of the term as vice-chancellor (insert the name of your organization)

John Maxwell said, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way,” we thank you for showing us the path, sir.


To formally start the proceedings of the party, I would like to invite Mr.___________to recite a few verses from the Holy Quran.

General Comparing Script in Urdu and English

Welcome Speech

The Department of International Relations is one of those departments in the university which has made gradual progress in the last few years in the face of numerous constraints. It has expanded leaps and bounds by the sheer determination of its faculty and the praising contributions of its students. Presently there are around 200 enrolled students in the department. And in the last admission session, we enrolled 80 students I the 1st semester, divided into two sections.

Now, it is time to call upon the stage chairperson of the department, Mr. (Insert the name here) to give a welcome and farewell speech to the graduating students and new graduates.

Thank you, sir.

Not to let our audience feel bored, party managers and participants have worked out some interesting activities and recreational stuff. Throughout the party, we hope that you will patiently hold on to your seats and enjoy the joys and pleasures of it. We will not let you wait anymore. Now it is high time to start the proceedings of this pleasurable party.

How to Start a Welcome Speech in English with a Sample


There is a man; there is a drama. The relationship between man and drama has gone hand in hand. Drama sometimes pleases us while, at other times, it saddens us. The drama that our term will perform and showcase today will not only please you, but I hope, it will also impart a hard-boiled lesson to all of us.

Ladies and gentlemen, please, join me in giving a big hand to our drama team.


The song is a very rich source of entertainment. Parties, without songs, are no parties. To let you entertain further, I would like to take this opportunity to call on the stage the singers who will display their melodious songs. Please give a big hand to Mr. _______.

Laughter Session

Laughter has its taste and uniqueness. It is a kind of recreational medicine that can even arise from slumber the most disinterested and bored people in the world. Today, we will try to bring back to you some amount of the smile, laughter, and amusement that we so cherished in the past. For this, I would like to invite Mr…………..to to take the stage.

That was indeed a lovely performance.

Entertaining and Funny Anchoring Script in English – Funny Sentences for Hosting an Event


Now hold your breath for another mesmerizing performance. As a great philosopher once said, “Without music, life would be a mistake.” Let us not make this party a mistake and welcome our singer Mr._______.

I still feel like lost in that melody dipped music notes.

Well, come back now. Let’s have a change.

Game Session

These days’ games have become an essential part of our lives I am sure many of the people here have been addicted to farm Valley, Angry Birds or Candy Crush at some stage in their life. Since the occasion is specifically arranged for the students, therefore, the students are anxious to exhibit their talent. Realizing this need, we have arranged some games for all of you. Ae you ready?

Vice Chancellor’s Address/ Remarks

We feel honored and proud to have amongst us the worthy vice chancellor. I would like to take this opportunity to invite the worthy vice chancellor to share few words with us.

Please, receive the worthy vice chancellor.

Thank you so much, Sir, for your precious thoughts and valuable time that you spared for us. This certainly has energized us for future challenges.

Principal Speech

Cultural Dances

Dance is the most beautiful form of expression of human feelings. Today we are about to witness some great cultural dances. Some great talent. So let’s gear up for a beautiful start of the show.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome a group of students who will perform the (insert the name of the cultural dance)

The (insert the name of tribe) students will mesmerize us through a splendid show off their cultural through (insert the name the of dance)

Anchoring Script for Cultural Event Function at School or College


We dance for laughter.
We dance for tears.
We dance for madness
We dance for fears
We dance for hopes
We dance for screams

Please give a huge round of applause for the (insert the name of tribe) students who will perform their cultural dance.

Thanking Note


The chief guest and the faculty members in the front rows will have their lunch on the right side of the hall. Students are requested to enjoy their meal on the left side. Students shall remain seated till the chief guest and faculty leave for the dining tables.

Best Comparing Script for a Party – Conclusion

The conclusion is the most important part of a party because that is what stays in the audience mind when they forget everything else. I recommend you to click best ways to end an event and read some useful tips.  Was the article helpful? Please feel free to write your feedback about the article in the comment box below.


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Hira ishaq October 26, 2017 at 8:46 pm

It was just fabulous…. I really got too much help by this. .thanx….

BISMO October 26, 2017 at 9:45 pm

You are welcome dear Hira.

Syed Wahab Gillani December 23, 2017 at 12:09 am

that is really helpful for me to perform like a professional..Thanks a lot.

Manzar Abbas Naqvii February 16, 2018 at 5:13 pm

It was really. . Exactly what I want.thank you …so much

Papa's doll April 2, 2018 at 1:40 am

Absolutely helpful infact much useful I personally really like it

BISMO April 2, 2018 at 6:36 am

Thank you.

Eram Khan August 5, 2018 at 2:34 am

A complete set of activities that would make any party memorable.. thank you for the perfect script!! Absolutely loved it!!

BISMO August 5, 2018 at 12:41 pm

You are welcome. Hope it was helpful.

Anwar khan December 28, 2018 at 8:26 pm

Very helpful…

Muhammad Aamir Fareed December 31, 2018 at 5:26 pm

Thanks a lot dear …

BISMO January 1, 2019 at 1:18 pm

You are welcome Aamir, hope it helped you.

malaika ramzan February 15, 2019 at 1:57 pm

this is so good. and very helpful. thank you so much Sir Bismo for this

BISMO February 15, 2019 at 4:36 pm

Hope it helped you Malaika Ramzan and thanks for the appreciation.

Rai Taqqadas Ali February 19, 2019 at 8:00 am

Waow …that was amazing it helps me s lot ….nice job

BISMO February 19, 2019 at 10:51 am

Thank you, Ali, hope it is useful for your function.

ayesha March 6, 2019 at 8:33 pm

mindblowing you rocked!!

BISMO March 7, 2019 at 10:52 am

Thank you, Ayesha.

Rubab Raziq April 10, 2019 at 7:37 pm

Plz share some context about poetry segment

Nadia obaid February 24, 2020 at 5:22 am


ANDREA DIAS October 25, 2020 at 12:48 am

thank you so very much to whosoever this may address as an orator I had to arrange virtual farewell for my seniors at college due to the ongoing pandemic and I was out of ideas but your article just boost my confidence to another level ……once again I’m really grateful to u and I’m glad I found this article

Saman Javed August 10, 2021 at 6:48 am

Amazing and helpful

Sufyan November 12, 2021 at 12:18 am

Thanks very much because it is very helful for me


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