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Best Discussion Titles in English

Discussion is one of the best ways to improve ESL students’ speaking skills. Moreover, it helps in sharing ideas and speaking regarding a specific title that they can explore new ideas among students. In addition, they can improve their English speaking and listening skills. Wit that being said, here are our pick of 100 Best Discussion Titles that you should check out. Besides, you can also let us know which ones are your favorite in the comments below.

Best Discussion Titles in English

1. Is man architect of his own fate?
2. What are secrets of a successful life?
3. Who is responsible for the failure of a student?
4. Does fashion make personality?
5. What purpose should prison serve-punishment or rehabilitation?
6. Freedom has bad aspects too.
7. Money means success in life.
8. Should parents give full freedom to their children?
9. Is migration the solution of current situation?
10.Who is responsible for broken marriage?
11. Love marriage vs arrange marriage-which one is better?
12. Islam is the religion of worship not warship.
13. Human development has caused social disorder.
14. Islam is the religion of terror.
15. Should woman work outside?
16. Hijab is a pride not a hurdle to success.
17. The importance of new technologies in our life.
18. Your race affects your intelligence.
19. Global warming can harm us more than war and terrorism do?
20. Which is major problem of Pakistan- poverty or illiteracy?
21. Who is more complicated gender: men or woman?
22. Do video games cause bad behavior in children?
23. It is better to be honest and poor then dishonest and rich.
24. Which is better daydreaming or night dreaming?
25. Did God create the universe or did it just occur naturally?
26. What is the major factor of the family disputes, poverty or illiteracy?
27. When poverty knocks the door happiness flies away!
28. Why are Muslims backward?
29. Religion is power and knowledge shows the way to it.
30. Culture plays an important role in our progression.

Powerful Debate Writing Tips and Tricks for Students

31. Can punishment stop crime?
32. Which one is more important for a country, economic stability or military stability?
33. Should teenagers be given the right of self determination?
34. Media is the backbone of a country.
35. Society has more effects on nourishment of the children than parents.
36. Is learning English the need or the fashion of today?
37. Who commits more crime in a society, poor or rich?
38. Is science curse or bless?
39. Should we be nationalist or religious?
40. A man can be known by the company he keeps.
41. Little things affect little mind.
42. Why are Muslims backward?
43. Does Islam honor women or keep them uncivilized?
44. Technology creates more problems than it can solve.
45. Man without knowledge is beast.
46. Who should rule a society, youngsters or elders?
47. Should woman be given full emancipation?
48. Religious education is better than scientific education.
49. Does human being deserve to be named the Supreme Creature?
50. Does luck exist?
51. Life has always been jeopardized by educated not ignorant!
52. How can we be a good person in our society?
53. Science leads us towards prosperity not adversity.
54. To succeed, we must believe that we can.
55. Is jealousy a provoking motive or an illness?
56. United we stand, divided we fall.
57. The great end of life is not knowledge but actions.
58. Peace is not only better than war, but infinitely more demanding in current era.
59. We may all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.
60. The highest result of education is tolerance.

Freedom With Limitation is No Freedom – Debate/ Speech for Students

61. He who does not hope to win has already lost.
62. Live and let others live.
63. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
64. Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.
65. If the shoe doesn’t fit, must we change the foot?
66. Let us look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.
67. To fly, we have to have resistance.
68. Islamic culture leads us towards civilization.
69. Can an individual change a society?
70. God helps those who help themselves.
71. What is the major factor of the family disputes, poverty or illiteracy?
72. Little knowledge is dangerous.
73. Religion is power and knowledge shows the way to it.
74. Culture plays an important role in our progression.
75. Who commits more crime in a society, poor or rich?
76. Is science curse or bless?
77. A man can be known by the company he keeps.
78. Is media constructive or distractive?
79. Does Islam honor women or keep them uncivilized?
80. Technology creates more problems than it can solve.

How to Write a Debate Speech in English | Format, and Examples

81. Man without knowledge is beast.
82. Who should rule a society, youngsters or elders?
83. Should woman be given full emancipation?
84. Does human being deserve to be named the Supreme Creature?
85. Life has always been jeopardized by educated not ignorant!
86. How can we be a good person in our society?
87. Science leads us towards prosperity not adversity.
88. To succeed, we must believe that we can.
89. Is jealousy a provoking motive or an illness?
90. Peace is not only better than war, but infinitely more demanding in current era.
91. We may all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.
92. The highest result of education is tolerance.
93. He who does not hope to win has already lost.
94. I find that the harder I work the more luck I seem to have!
95. Live and let others live.
96. We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.
97. Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.
98. If the shoe doesn’t fit, must we change the foot?
99. One cannot simultaneously prepare for war and create peace.
100. Let us look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.

Wrapping Up – Best Discussion Titles

100 Best discussion titles are accomplished here, in addition you can choose from the titles to write a topic or debate. Choose a good, interesting or your favorite topic. Choose what you like, what do you like to talk about. When you are interested about the topic and the audience or the students will also feel your enthusiasm and feel your excitement. Also you can choose a different topic from best discussion titles  that no one heard about before, a topic which is perfect fit between you and your audience.

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carve December 15, 2022 at 9:39 pm

One cannot simultaneously prepare for war and create peace. That is one of the best titles ever.
Thanks, man for your combinations.

Tolo January 1, 2023 at 8:46 pm

Discussion is the source to develop our ESL skills, especially speaking. Mostly we cant find titles.
Your article is really informative.

akash July 18, 2023 at 8:38 am

Live and let others live. It is one of the best topic which drives me to get interest.


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