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Direct and Indirect of Future Perfect Tense

Direct and Indirect of Future Perfect Tense
Direct and Indirect of Future Perfect Tense

We talked about direct and indirect of future progressive tense. In the lesson below I am going to cover direct and indirect of future perfect tense. You will learn how to convey a message from future perfect tense. Direct and indirect structures for affirmative, negative, negative interrogative and interrogative sentences along with examples. For direct and indirect speech complete rules click: Direct and indirect speech complete rules

Direct and Indirect of Future Perfect Tense

Tense Change:
As a rule, when we convey a message from present tense and past tenses, we go one tense back, but when you convey a message from future perfect, you just need to change the helping verb “will” into “would” and can change a direct speech into indirect speech easily.


  • Direct speech: RP +, + S + will have + V3 + ROTS
    He said to me, “I will have done my homework.”
  • Indirect speech: RP + that + S + would have + V3 + ROTS
    He told me that he would have done his homework.


  • Direct speech: RP +, + S +will not + have + V3 + ROTS
    He said to me, “I won`t have done my homework.”
    Indirect speech: RP + that + S + would not + have + V3 + ROTS
    He told me that he wouldn’t have done his homework.


  • Direct speech: RP +, + Will + S + have + V3 + ROTS
    She asked her brother, “Will you have graduated from University by the year 2017?”
  • Indirect speech: RP + if + S + would have + V3 + ROTS
    She asked her brother if he would have graduated from university by the year 2017.

Negative interrogatives

  • Direct speech: RP +, + Will not + S + have + V3 + ROTS
    He asked me, “Won`t you have done your homework?”
  • Indirect speech: RP + if + S + would not + have + V3 + ROTS
    He asked me if I wouldn’t have done my homework.

HW/Information questions

  • Direct speech: RP +, + WH + will + S + have + V3 + ROTS
    She asked, “Where will they have built a new house by the end of 2017?”
  • Indirect speech: RP + WH + S + would have + V3 + ROTS
    She wanted to know where they would have built a new house by the end of 2017.

Check out Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises With Answers

If you would like to know more about direct or quoted speech, or indirect or reported speech, check out more in the given links below.

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