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How to Write IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Introduction

We have already talked about IELTS writing task 1 tips and techniques. In this article, I am going to talk in detail how to write IELTS writing task 2 essay introduction with an example to help you score a good band in your writing module.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Test Information

Writing task 2 is the same for both Academic and General tests, the only difference is in the title or topic. The title in the General test is easier and simpler than Academic test.

It’s recommended not to spend more than 40 minutes on writing task 2. In addition, you should write a minimum of 250 words and the mark of IELTS writing task 2 is worth about 66% of your writing module.

You will be marked 25% for task response, 25% coherence & cohesion, 25% vocabulary and 25% for the grammatical accuracy.

How to Write IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Introduction

The first thing you are going to do is considering the essay title given to you.

Title: The best way to improve health is to do regular exercise. To what extent do you agree?

Look at the statement in the title given above. Our essay is all about improving health. And the best solution is to do a regular exercise.

We have to give our opinion to what extend do you agree. “to what extend do you agree” means how much do you agree. You have to just analyze it either you agree with most of the statement or no.

So, what information we need to put in our introduction. For many academic essays there are three parts to the introduction.

  1. The hook
  2. Background statement
  3. Thesis statement

1.The Hook:

The hook is the sentences that has a lot of interest in it, so that immediately the reader wants to continue and we use that in many essays, but we don’t need the hook in IELTS essay writing task 2.

Why don’t need it? Firstly the examiner is not looking for interesting ideas. Either the introduction is interesting or boring it makes no difference. Secondly you don’t have much time, you have just 40 minutes to complete your essay.

2. The Background Statement

What is the background statement? Indeed, the background is the title statement which is paraphrased. IELTS gives you a title with a statement in it, you need to paraphrase it in your own language.

Remember not to copy the same sentence given in the title, just paraphrase it in your own language.

3. The Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is you answer, how much do you agree, you need to answer that and is an introduction to your ideas.

So, we have two parts in the IELTS writing task 2 essay introduction: the background and the thesis statement. Now I am going to tell you how to write them.

How To Write The Background Statement and The Thesis Statement

Title: (The best way to improve health is to do a regular exercise. To what extent do you agree?)

Background Statement/ paraphrase: The most effective method in developing and improving health is considered to be daily exercise.

Thesis Statement: In my opinion, I agree that exercise is the key to health. However, I also believe that diet is important.

As you can see, I have paraphrased the statement of the title in the background statement in my own words and same meaning and have written the thesis statement whether I agree or disagree and also have included my own solution which is “However, I also believe that diet is important.”


The most effective method to developing and improving health is considered to be daily exercise. In my opinion, I agree that exercise is the key to health. However, I also believe that diet is important.

Writing Introduction Tips:

  1. The background statement should have the same meaning given in the title by IELTS and should be paraphrased.
  2. You don’t need to change the word completely, just the form is also right. For example: Improve => improving.
  3. Thesis statement is your answer and an introduction to your ideas where you can include your opinion or solution.
  4. The introduction will be between 35 to 50 words.

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