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Spelling Bee Study Words For Intermediates

The list below contains Spelling Bee study words for intermediates and includes 100 words, arranged from easiest to most difficult. Teachers can use this to inaugurate spelling contest among the students at school or English language academy. Moreover you can check spelling bee study words for beginners at our page by clicking here.

Spelling Bee Study Words For Intermediates
Spelling Bee Study Words For Intermediates

Spelling Bee Study Words For Intermediates

NO.      WORD                    NATURE                   MEANING

1 abase Verb To lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade.
2 Antic Noun A grotesque, ludicrous, or fantastic action.
3 apiary Noun A place where bees are kept.
4 apex Noun The highest point, as of a mountain.
5 bawl Verb To proclaim by outcry.
6 beck Verb To give a signal to, by nod or gesture.
7 bedlam Noun Madhouse.
8 batten Noun A narrow strip of wood.
9 bemoan Verb To lament.
10 caprice Noun A whim.
11 cardiac Adj Pertaining to the heart.
12 cartilage Noun An elastic animal tissue of firm consistence.
13 casualty Noun A fatal or serious accident or disaster.
14 cathode Noun The negative pole or electrode of a galvanic battery.
15 caustic Adj Sarcastic and severe.
16 cauterize Verb To burn or sear as with a heated iron.
17 debut Noun A first appearance in society or on the stage.
18 deceit Noun Falsehood.
19 decency Noun Moral fitness.
20 deciduous Adj Falling off at maturity as petals after flowering, fruit when ripe.
21 defendant Noun A person against whom a suit is brought.
22 defensive Adj Carried on in resistance to aggression.
23 deform Verb To disfigure.
24 defray Verb To make payment for.
25 eligible Adj Qualified for selection.
26 Elizabethan Adj Relating to Elizabeth, queen of England, or to her era.
27 eloquent Adj Having the ability to express emotion or feeling in lofty.
28 elucidate Verb To bring out more clearly the facts concerning.
29 enrage Verb To infuriate.
30 ensnare Verb To entrap.
31 entangle Verb To involve in difficulties, confusion, or complications.
32 earnest Adj Ardent in spirit and speech.
33 ebullient Adj Showing enthusiasm or exhilaration of feeling.
34 economize Verb To spend sparingly.
35 efface Verb To obliterate.
36 fathom Noun A measure of length, 6 feet.
37 fatuous Adj Idiotic, very stupid.
38 fealty Noun Loyalty.
39 ferocious Adj Of a wild, fierce, and savage nature.
40 fiasco Noun A complete or humiliating failure.
41 fictitious Adj Created or formed by the imagination.
42 filibuster Noun One who attempts to obstruct legislation.
43 fixture Noun One who or that which is expected to remain permanently.
44 fluctuation Noun . Frequent irregular change back and forth from one state.
45 fundamental Adj Basal.
46 genealogist Noun A tracer of pedigrees.
47 generosity Noun A disposition to give liberally or to bestow favors heartily.
48 genitive Adj Indicating source, origin, possession, or the like.
49 gestation Noun Pregnancy.
50 ghastly Adj Hideous.
51 habitable Adj Fit to be dwelt in.
52 haggard Adj Worn and gaunt in appearance.
53 harangue Noun A tirade.
54 harmonious Adj Concordant in sound.
55 heedless Adj Thoughtless.
56 hemorrhage Noun Discharge of blood from a ruptured or wounded blood-vessel.
57 henchman Noun A servile assistant and subordinate.
58 heptagon Noun A figure having seven sides and seven angles.
59 herbaceous Adj Having the character of a herb.
60 herbivorous Adj Feeding on herbs or other vegetable matter, as animals.
61 hesitancy Noun A pausing to consider.
62 heterogeneous Adj Consisting of dissimilar elements or ingredients of different kinds.
63 hindrance Noun An obstacle.
64 homogeneity Noun Congruity of the members or elements or parts.
65 honorarium Noun A token fee or payment to a professional man for services.
66 humane Adj Compassionate.
67 iconoclast Noun An image-breaker.
68 idealize Verb To make to conform to some mental or imaginary standard.
69 idolize Verb To regard with inordinate love or admiration.
70 ignominious Adj Shameful.
71 illicit Adj Unlawful.
72 immersion Noun The act of plunging or dipping entirely under water or another fluid.
73 imminence Noun Impending evil or danger.
74 immortalize Verb To cause to last or to be known or remembered throughout a great.
75 impalpable Adj Imperceptible to the touch.
76 imperceptible Adj Indiscernible.
77 inaudible Adj That cannot be heard.
78 incomparable Adj Matchless.
79 incompetence Noun General lack of capacity or fitness.
80 incongruous Adj Unsuitable for the time, place, or occasion.
81 indulgent Adj Yielding to the desires or humor of oneself or those under one’s care.
82 jocular Adj Inclined to joke.
83 jovial Adj Merry.
84 jubilation Noun Exultation.
85 judicial Adj Pertaining to the administration of justice.
86 juggle Verb To play tricks of sleight of hand.
87 kilowatt Noun One thousand watts.
88 kinsfolk Noun pl. Relatives.
89 knickknack Noun A small article, more for ornament that use.
90 knighthood Noun Chivalry.
91 labyrinth Noun A maze.
92 laborious Adj Toilsome.
93 lactation Noun The secretion of milk.
94 manumission Noun Emancipation.
95 Martian Adj Pertaining to Mars, either the Roman god of war or the planet.
96 pamphleteer Verb To compose or issue pamphlets, especially controversial ones.
97 philosophize verb To seek ultimate causes and principles.
98 phosphorescence Noun The property of emitting light.
99 unsophisticated Adj Showing inexperience.
100 wretchedness Noun Extreme misery or unhappiness.

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