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What is Students Helping Students

What is Students helping students
What is Students helping students

The world continues to change at an increasingly rapid rate, students need to learn In both academic and practical/social context so they can develop new skills and knowledge as required to think critically; find, choose and interpret information; solve problems; withhold judgments; understand issues from various views; communicate clearly and appropriately; make informed; reasoned decisions; manage their own time and so on. Therefore, such steps are initiated to make it possible for students and in the article below I am going to elaborate what is students helping students (SHS).

What is Students Helping Students (SHS)

Every school or academy can operate the program ‘students helping students’ (SHS) to provide a rich environment to reach to the specific purposes; To help students become engaged confidence, independent and versatile people who are ready and excited to take new challenges, peer collaboration plays a crucial role in developing many of the skills needed; it also provides a great array of relevant experiences by emanating all participants learning from each other not just the ‘helpees’ gaining from the helpers. In particular, most students are comfortable interacting with peers than with academics/professionals, so students who might not seek otherwise seek help have a viable option with peer support.

Peer engagement takes many forms, and students helping students involves any program where students help each other. From formal, learning-centered study session to orientation activities where new students are grouped with more experienced students so they can meet other students and can learn practical information about their school, college or university. This framework will outline how the academy will proceed to create coherent, involved students helping students under the visioned goals:

  • Facilitating students in all possible ways
  • Helping students with their day to day issues
  • Creating friendly & positive environment
  • Improving student’s campus experience

Mission of Students Helping Students

Enhancing the academy experience by facilitating students in academic & administrative issues & initiating programs to improve student’s satisfaction resulting not only in an enriching student’s campus experience but also to make them capable of performing at higher intellectual levels when asked to work in collaborative situations.

The Target of Students Helping Students

Students will be the target of this program.  Dealing with students & their family issues and connect & guide them to the specific office where their problems can be solved.

The Creed of Students Helping Students

Professionals taking pride in being responsive and sharing similar experiences as well as discourse,  so the exchanges are relevant to the student who is seeking support.

Objectives of Students Helping Students

  • To bring together all the other programs, activities, opportunities where students help other students to increase peer engagement.
  • To address some of the key issues students face on placement.
  • In addition, develop ongoing support, professional learning, collaboration and reflection. Sharing of ideas and resources.
  • Ability to recognise connections with people from different backgrounds and with different perspectives.
  • To focus ever more on areas such as understanding, analysing, evaluating and problem-solving rather than on ‘knowing’ facts.
  • To share similar experiences. This not only allows for greater understanding; it also results in a more ‘efficient” support session.
  • To sustain the learners through transitions to less optimal learning environments.

Responsibilities of Students Helping Students

  1. Assistant to Student Affairs Coordinator/Office Assistant:

Main responsibilities of Office Assistant are:

  • Create and maintain a filing system; locating documents for student’s issues; and filing documents in their corresponding location.
  • Responsible for responding to general emails, calls, forwarding emails to concerned departments/offices & registrar office.
  • Liaison between, clients, volunteer students, main offices & Interns
  • Data entry and computer related work
  1. NIP Interns:

Main responsibilities of NIP Interns are:

  • Serve as primary contact between the university & students or other stakeholders.
  • Calls to the fellow intern in main offices i.e. academics, examination, finance & administration for helping in the issues of students who approaches the centre.
  • Be in contact with volunteer students/Fix-it Member and listened to their day to day cases and maintain their progress reports.
  1. Volunteer Students:

Main responsibilities of students are:

  • Will move around campus in their free hours
  • Responsible for collecting the issues of the students & forwarding to the Fix-it centre.
  • Would be wearing their badges of Fix-it centre.
  • Responsible for guiding guests, visitors and students towards those offices for which they are looking.

Procedures for Students Helping Students

Although their focus is on peer learning, the optimal peer support methodologies and principles pertain to any peer support program.

It has its 3 located ‘fundamental elements’ of communities’ practice which relates to peer learning:

  • A domain of knowledge
  • A community
  • The practice

In brief, a shared domain of knowledge legitimises the community of practice by clearly defining boundaries what is and is not included- and affirming its purpose and value.

A community requires interaction and collaboration among members and promotes respect and trust so members can freely share idea, knowledge and uncertainty.

The practice is the set of ideas, frameworks, tools, information, styles, language, stories and documents that the community members share, in other words, the practice is what the community develops.


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