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The 5 Best Ways to Understand What You Hear in English

The need of communication has developed over 6000 languages and its limits are considered to be the limits of the human world. Because learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things but learning a new way to think about them. So, learning every 2nd language can be super challenging, frustrating and even time-consuming, especially, the listening part of them. Therefore, in the article below, I will illustrate The 5 Best Ways to Understand What You Hear in English.

The 5 Best Ways to Understand What You Hear in English
The 5 Best Ways to Understand What You Hear in English

The 5 Best Ways to Understand What You Hear in English

1. Just Listen!

We have trained ourselves for multitasking unconsciously, therefore, even while listening to your professor or somebody else, you are not listening actually. You are constantly talking in your head which can slow down your comprehension.  Because you can’t understand two conversations at the time. So, next time, when you have to listen to something in English or in any other language, just listen.

2. Engage to be Engaged

Indeed, the best way of learning is doing. No matter what you want to learn, you need to do that practically and involve yourself thoroughly. Therefore, when you are listening to somebody, involve yourself in his talk; ask some questions, say what you think about the topic. Because while listening to something for a long period of time, you can get tired, lose information, and get distracted. So, next time, if you can’t understand what the next person is saying, try to ask some questions and involve yourself.

3. Practice

Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice; it makes everything possible for a man. It brings perfection which leads towards achieving your goals in any field of your life. The more you do the better you become. So, if you want to stop frustrating over your weak listening comprehension, you should practice more and more. You can listen to native speakers, watch TED Talks or TED EDs, movies, drama, and comedy. This way not only you will practice and improve your listening comprehension but also increase your information and have fun.

4. Use your ears more

Scientifically, when one loses one of the five senses, one of the next senses get better. So, while listening, you should stop multitasking, thinking, eating, and even watching or looking at the speaker and close your eyes.  Because when you close your eyes, it allows you to focus more and pick up more information.

5. What to watch

There is an order of programs or media to watch. Many people say that we should watch everything with subtitles to get the most out of our listening, however, it may help you understand more but it’s not only time-consuming but also you will be habitual of it.  So, initially, start with kids’ programs. Because they illustrate every word with some real-life examples and pictures. Secondly, you should try out T.V. programs because they help you understand the basic language. Then, you should go for some comedy. Because they don’t speak fast; they want the audience to understand. When you are done with the basics, you should watch something harder such as action movies. Because whenever they say something harder they illustrate that by some actions. Later, you can watch dramas and Black comedy. And eventually, it will get better by following all The 5 Best Ways to Understand What You Hear in English.


I hope The 5 Best Ways to Understand What You Hear in English was helpful to you. If you had any other suggestions or questions, please, let us know.




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